Rocky Mountain Field Hockey

Rocky Athletes


Our mission at RMFHC is to create great field hockey players and even better humans. As part of this, these are our expectations for all RMFHC athletes:

  • At RMFHC, we aim to create an inclusive, family atmosphere. Therefore, bullying and hazing will not be tolerated on or off the field.
  • We stress A to B conversations. Try as we may, sometimes issues with fellow athletes arise. Gossip can easily ruin a great culture. We will always encourage resolving issues directly with the other party.
  • As a player, you are your biggest advocate. If you have a question or comment, please come to us.
  • We believe great communication is key. Within reason, we expect our athletes to communicate any missed practices within 24 hours. We also understand that athletes have more going on than just field hockey, just keep us in the loop for big things.
  • Be on time, and remember, on time is five minutes early. Whether it's the start of practice or being at the meeting spot on travel trips, we expect you to be on time.
  • Be respectful. As a RMFHC athlete, you represent the entire RMFHC family on the pitch, at travel tournaments, with referees, and off the field.


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A family atmosphere. We started RMFHC because we want to provide a space for athletes to make mistakes, grow, and create genuine relationships.

Great communication. We aim to get back to questions from athletes and parents as soon as we can. Please keep in mind, Katie and Emily both work full-time jobs outside of RMFHC.

Tailored instruction. Whether it’s group play or individual skills, our instruction will focus on how to help you grow as players.

Encouragement. Playing club field hockey allows you the space to try a new position or skill, and we’ll be cheering you on every step of the way.

Fun. That’s why we’re here right? We don’t ever want our athletes to experience burnout. We hope field hockey practice is something the girls look forward to.

Field hockey RESOURCES